Autumn is here
Autumn is here, the leaves are turning and the days are getting noticeably shorter. October sometimes feels like we are on borrowed time before the winter really kicks in. But in between the showers the autumnal light can be beautiful so let’s catch these mild sunny days and make the most of them whilst we still can. So what are we waiting for here are some ideas of what you could be doing in the garden this month:
Sweet peas under cover
Broad beans
Garlic and onion sets direct
Bulbs for spring, but wait until November
for tulips
Apples and store in a cool frost free place
Last of the autumn raspberries and
Save seeds for next year
Last of the dahlias and cosmos
Kale, squash, last of the courgettes,
tomatoes, salad
Secature/lopper jobs:
Divide and replant perennials
Prune buddlias by half their height
Remove beans and their supports but leave
the roots in to add nitrogen to the soil
Make sure brussel sprout plants are firmed
in and remove any yellow leaves
Cut down fruited blackberry and blackberry
canes and tie in new growth
Cut down dahlias once the flowering is over to lift and store or leave in the ground and mulch
Cut back tall asparagus foliage once yellow
Lawns and ponds:
Aerate and feed the lawn with an autumn feed
Raise the mower cutting height
Keep clearing leaves out of ponds
My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece.
– Claude Monet