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Edward Bowring

Gardening jobs for March

We know it's still cold and wet but here are just some of the gardening tasks you or we could be doing clear your head and get out into the garden. The Chichester Gardener is based in West Sussex so if you live a little further north you might have to delay a bit depending on the weather!

Plant early potatoes (mid-late march) and


Plant asparagus crowns.

Lift and divide perennials.

Sow tomatoes indoors.

The frosts aren't over yet so remember to protect seedlings and new growth!

Gently prune back winter-flowering heather

after the flowers disappear to prevent them

becoming too leggy.

Deadhead winter pansies.

Deadhead daffodils and let the foliage die back.

Deadhead hydrangeas back to new buds.

Top dress containers - replace the top 2"

with new compost.

Prune wisteria - last chance!

Cut back herbaceous perennials.

Cut back cornus and salix.

Enjoy seeing the bulbs poking though!

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